Saturday, May 26, 2012

amazing fact about silicon

If anyone asks what is the core element in all these electronics world, then the one and certain answer will be Silicon. The worldwide availability and high possessivity for the electronic conduction has made this element unseparable component of the electronic world. Almost all the computers and the consumer electronics have been the matter to deal with the help of Silicon. It is hard to imagine the world without the Silicon, but in this rapidly developing world, modern scientist are going to break the trend.
Yes, the use of silicon is proposed to be reduced and ultimately replaced by the use of human materials.
The basic component of the electronics, logic gates, are successfully prepared by the help of human DNA and harmless gut bacteria. Although wierd to know but it is proven by the scientists at Imperial College, London. Now the present electronics is assumed to be replaced by ultramodern biological processors.
The amazing concept of bioprocessors have been pleying in everybody's mind. It is proposed that one day such a technology will come when the sensors will swim inside the human arteries, detect the harmful bacterias and provide the medication to the affected zones. Although its a long way to go, lets hope we will see this technology.